Originally Posted By: lowboygmc
How are tyou guys drilling the fuel rails out jist regulardrill bits some sort of srep bit or do you have the actuall bit for fuel injectors?

I just bought an appropriate size drill bit (17/32"?) and used my drill press. The idea is not to drill them all the way through so you can start with say a 1/2" bit and drill into the fuel passage, then use the drill press to stop a bit short of the fuel passage with the larger drill bit so the o-ring has something to stop against. Then I simply used a dremel to bevel/round the edge, then followed it up with a light sandpaper and scotchbrite pad to keep from cutting the O-rings when installing.

My opinion on the throttle blade is bigger is okay, so long as your throttle linkage geometry doesn't cause that ON/OFF problem with the gas pedal. I wouldn't worry so much about air slowing down from the charge pipe to the plenum so long as the runners are of sufficient volume and length for the cylinder.