Here's what I ended up rigging up. Started out with a mr. Gasket 1"spacer (I wouldn't recommend using this one.) I thought it was solid but ended up being a cast piece with cavities between the faces. It's a little thin for counter sinking the pan head bolts.

Anyways. Did a little measuring and layout...

Looks pretty decent from here...

Had to do a bit of porting since the clifford casting is pretty poor/off.

This is what I planned on running on top of it. Now I'm not so sure. I picked it up used for a pretty good price. After a bit of reading I've found that these units are hit or miss. I think that if I could get what I paid for it, I'd sell it and spring for a more reputable brand.

For now I'm happy to have saved a few $$$ making this adaptor. $25 compared to $50-60. Woo hoo!