Rich, the main complaints i've heard point to a lack of faith and trust in the clubs leadership. Many people really know what was going on behind the scenes and were blatantly lied to when asked about these issues not just once or twice, but going on 5 years now. So how can a club expect to grow when the members know they are being misled by their leaders. Over time, people just don't care anymore because they never get a straight answer and never see what is being promised come to fruition. The entire club can see its crumbling down around them and yet they are still being told all is fine and well when we know and see it isn't. Its no secret on the internet either, more than a half a dozen other forums have had and still have discussions about Inliners and what is going on here and yet the leadership thinks its keeping it all a secret and sending out smokescreens to hide the real facts. They are only fooling themselves and are a laughing stock in the eyes of these other forums and the thousands of readers that see and read those discussions worldwide. The last thing the club needs to worry about in this hour of dire need is another pointless Convention. How many people came to the last one....10? The club needs a complete rehab starting with a house cleaning at the top. I'll let you in on a secret, I was really recruited into the club by other officers to fill an officer role to help trim the dead wood out of the club. Some of the deadwood got removed, but many of the deadest still remain. Many of those several hundred members that have left the club in the last 2-3 years have done so in protest to poor decisions made by the leadership, and they were even told this would happen by these highly respected guys like Leo and Kirby, and yet they made these decisions anyway. So my advice is to get the rest of the deadwood out and try to regain the confidence of the remaining members and reconstruct the club from within.

Class III CNC Machinist/Programmer