Okay so this may be a dumb question but here we go

So I have a 292 I am turbocharging and building an intake for getting close on every thing to getting it started I had broke in the engine with a carb before hand maybe 1.5 years ago but has been bumped around since so I was going to reprise the engine with the turbo now bolted on and I don't see oil coming out of the rocker arms only slightly

I remember it having 40 ish psi last time at idle but even with a high speed drill and turning the engine no oil squints out just slightly run out of some valve and oil is barely coming through the turbo

Changed oil and filter

Same thing I am running 15-40 and it is cold 40 but I would think it would still pick up and pressurize am I doing something wrong this time?

72 gmc lwb air ride 5 speed (soon) turbo 292 II# 6102