if you don't like the "raaap" of the typical six dual exhaust sound listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zevD5kkHibk

this has a different set of cylinders firing into each collector than most inlines do and we hear a totally different pattern--it not the pipe size, muffler type, it is the firing pattern going into the collectors.... On the typical inline six you have 1, 2, and 3 firing into one collector thus into one exhaust pipe and the rest of them into another collector/pipe side, and they go "RAAAAP". All the inline sixes have the same cylinder numbering and firing order--The headers on this Mustang has cylinders 1, 6, and 3 fire thru one collector/pipe and it's cylinders 2, 4, and 5 fire thru the other collector/pipe and they go "Very similar to a v-8's rumble" There is your chance to avoid the "Raaaap"....nobody that I know of has that joining pattern for a Chevy six. Clifford and Scott Drake do offer them for Fords...listen again--that's really different aint it!! Weld you up a set for yourself!!!

Last edited by preacher-no choir; 07/01/17 09:03 PM.