Excellent info there Panic, I have been hunting for all info on 2/3x2 inlets. So hard to find answers with out the knowledge you guys bring. Be great if you could get in touch with the chap with the intakes. He seems to have everything.

Beater- I don’t like the term “race car” more a build for fun, started cheap but ended up being more expensive. I have a 302 coming over from the US to the UK. McCulloch v57s in the box too, but I may save that for another day. I see a few guys on instagram with crazy collections of inlets and goodies, most of it sitting on someone’s wall or for display only, not for sale! It’s a shame as a nice manifold would be great for my build. Single seater, building a chassis based around a model A chassis, also have a winters quick change coming over in the container too. So a jimmy powered modified/special for some events here in the UK

Vintage speed parts would be great if anyone is willing to give up parts off there wall. If your local guy has some parts Beater that would be great.

Sorry for taking this a bit away from the thread itself