I am not so sure that Ross is going to be the answer then. If they are unwilling to make up a single piston, with me giving them their own forging number and job number, to replace one of their own pistons that was damaged in a motor failure, I just do not see them as anyone I want to get involved with.

I heard that Ross wanted something like $1100+ to make a set of 6 pop up pistons for a 261 motor, notwithstanding that they have CNC machining info already on hand. That's a little steep.

Look, I am not saying that the best part of $700 for a set of forged flat tops is outside of reasonable, far from that. But I have a 22 year old who is just getting started in this hobby and that is a good bit of money to him. I don't want to waive the white flag and surrender just yet. There has to be some viable alternative, but maybe not.

Yes, I agree, the stock pistons are not ideal, but may end up all that is available for a low dollar build>

These are the LP pistons that sealed power apparently still makes, and summit still lists, for $250.


I may call Venolia and see of Tom Prock (F-Troup Anglia Gasser car and top fuel car back in the day) can come up with something better. I have Venolia pistons in my 261 no issues whatsoever.

I will also contact Autotech and see what they can offer.

Last edited by mdonohue05; 06/21/18 10:11 AM.