Thanks guys for answering my questions before I ask. With my setup now they have to make an adapter plate for the 4-71 to the I6 plenum. With a 3/4" plate my air cleaners will stick out of the hood about an inch. I was going to have them make the adapter about 3 or 4" thick. I figured if they were going to stick out I might as well own it and have them stick out 4". Maybe make a pyrex glass bubble for it. I also thought the taller adapter might help with fuel air mixing. My question was (a little late) can I just put the little radiator in the box. My next question was if the fuel would collect on it. Both questions answered quite well. I quit detonating things when I got out of the Navy. No intercooler for me. It will probably be fast enough for my old girl. It's nice to throw ideas out and not be ridiculed. Thanks again. I'm smarter today then I was yesterday. I'll learn to post pictures and show you what I've got so far.