A single treatment shouldn't create any problems. I understand that repeated use can cause certain neoprene and other pliable plastics to break down.

We used ours over night because that was when we could keep others from getting in our vehicles and because the buses we worked on were pretty large. We never had any issues with damage caused by the ozone generator when doing this. These were million dollar tour buses with tons of electronics, many and diverse fabrics, and all sorts of seals, restraint devices for cargo, and a lot of window and door seals and weather barriers.

I doubt that a single treatment will manifest any problems, unless the weather stripping or upholstery is already in shakey condition. You can't go wrong following the manufacturers instructions! They usually know the capability of their product and are aware of any dangers or issues involved in the product's use. Try it for the recommended interval and if it doesn't give the result you want, adjust your time interval and try again.

Never use a minor caliber bullet on a major caliber adversary