Originally Posted By: Twisted6
this is a topic that came up on another site , where when doing a burn out the car would swing to the right But launch straight and run straight. Someone said to check the tire run out(growth) and to swap it to the other side to see if the car would swing the other way.
Does this even sound like a true deal?

Sure!! We had a stick shift Camaro, (Richmond/Doug Nash 5 spd.) that would veer left out of the water box, but ran straight as an arrow. It was something that popped up with a new set of tires. We swapped the tires from side to side and the car veered right. Still ran straight when making a pass. Video revealed that one tire grew a full inch more at high speed. Given the increase in radius, that would amount to a big difference on roll out. The spinning slick catches traction and jerks the car in one or the other direction. On a pass, the tires are mostly "hooked up", so there isn't a violent change in direction due to the difference in speeds.

Never use a minor caliber bullet on a major caliber adversary