You sound busy. It sounds like the new job will settle down in a while.

I need to do some work on my HF press. It's good enough for what I do and my son has a better one of I need it. Several years ago I was doing a "quick" job at a friend's shop using his much abused HF press. You know the story it broke while I was using it so I drove home and took the piece off of my almost new one to replace the broken part on his. The big pin that does the pressing broke off at the top weld probably because the working end was mushroomed out of shape. Well, I never got his piece fixed and all his tools went away so I still have the broken one. I have thought of welding a fixture in there hat would accept impact tips like pickle forks, punch, ........& a flat tip like the original one.

"I wonder if God created man because he was disappointed in the monkey?" Mark Twain