With a lot of mixed emotions, I submitted my resignation as President of Inliners International to the Officers of the Club last night. My reason for stepping down is for health reason of both my and I. Over the last year I have not been able to give the attention to the Club's business and I should have. I so enjoy our Club and know it needs more than what I can do right now. Over the years that I have been a member of our Club, I have meet so many GREAT and TALENTED people. Many who I feel are good friends. I will continue my membership and will be as active as possible.

Al Jewell Vice President/Chapter Coordinator will fulfill the rest of my term as President. I know that Al will do a great job.

I want to thank the other Officers of the Club for their help and support. They all have been great to work with. A special "thank you" to Jean Weigt for all her help. She was my go-to person.

Last but not least "Thank You" to all the members of Inliners International.

Luke Lucas

Luke Lucas I.I. #516