If you have the info available I would surely like to see it. And don't call me Shirley! As with anything, the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. With how far I've got thus far, and all the research, taking weeks or months before buying something, I felt comfortable in what I bought. As the machinist said yesterday, "It will run better than the way it was".

This, after he heard it had two pistons with cracked top rings. He is ready now to finish the lumped head, and prep the block for rebuild.

Edit: Bought this engine without hearing it run. After getting it home, the compression test showed 154-157 across all 6. Tearing it down, no ridge on any cylinder. Valves looked good except for maybe a couple hot exhaust valves. Ironically in 5 and 6 where the split rings were found.

Last edited by DoubleDingo; 01/19/22 02:50 AM.

292 1966; 3962084 T6G2 Lumped 250 Head 1.94/1.60 gasket matched, mildly ported. LOWEBOY