This post has as much to do with a forum on Truck Talk and inline engines as your post. The diatribe below doesn't belong here and neither does any ruminating about your personal life and habits.

If you want to talk about yourself and other non-inline interests, take it to the Bench Racing forum and start a thread there. Quit mucking up technical threads with ramblings about yourself.



In getting the bipartisan Brady Law passed in 1993, Jim and Sarah Brady accomplished the inconceivable. But there�s more work to be done � and only when we work together will we solve this problem. In order to do that work, we must accept these three truths about America�s gun violence epidemic: 1) Gun ownership demands responsibility; 2) Those empowered to do so must uphold existing gun laws; and 3) Gun violence is a uniquely American problem that impacts all races and ethnicities in the country, but nonetheless exacts a particular toll on Black and Brown communities.

A problem with so many root causes, requires us to address it from all angles. Brady therefore emphasizes education, litigation, and legislation to ensure that every community is safe, not only from mass shootings, but also from the daily toll of gun homicide, domestic violence, suicide, unintentional shootings, and police violence that plagues so many communities.

It�s time we unite people of all races and ethnicities from coast to coast, progressive and conservative, young and old, fed up and fired up, to work with us and end what is taking so many lives. It's in our hands.


Brady�s lifesaving work in congress, the courts, classrooms, and communities across the country is made possible thanks to you. 100% of your donation goes to fight gun violence.

These donations support the Brady Campaign, Brady�s 501(c)(4) organization, and are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or business expense.

If you�d like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Brady Center, Brady's 501(c)(3) organization, please visit this page